Sunday, April 10, 2016

Healthy Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Recipe from Simply Organic


Beef Stroganoff is a Russian dish that combines the trio of juicy beef, mouthwatering sauce, and fresh noodles. While this meal may look simple, it can please even the pickiest of taste buds. If you want to make Beef Stroganoff for family or friends, start with this healthy version adapted [ECR1] from Simply Organic[JC2] .




1¼ cup water[MJU3] 

1 pound grass-fed beef tips

1 cup sliced mushrooms

¼ cup grape, pomegranate, or cranberry [JC4] juice

2 packages Simply Organic Mushroom Sauce Mix

1 cup sour cream

8 ounces egg noodles (you may also substitute rice for the egg noodles)




  1. In a large skillet, heat ¼ cup water on high and brown beef on each side.
  2. Add sliced mushrooms and sauté with beef for 3 to 5 minutes.
  3. Turn heat to low. Add 1 cup water, juice, and Mushroom Sauce Mix and stir. Blend in sour cream.
  4. Leave meat/sauce dish simmering on low heat and prepare egg noodles according to the directions on the package. Serve mixture over prepared noodles when ready.


Note: This dish is traditionally served over noodles, but it’s delicious without. You may also substitute the noodles for spaghetti squash or rice.


Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes


Flavors Abound With This Healthy Beef Stroganoff Recipe


There’s no doubt that the star of this dish is grass-fed beef[JC5] . It contains vitamins, minerals, higher conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) levels, and a balanced ratio of essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids[JC6] . Ideally, grass-fed beef is what you should use in your family’s meals, not conventional grain-fed beef.


Grain-fed cows are fed grain and growth hormones and additives, a far cry from their usual diet of grass. What’s worse, these cows aren’t able to roam around pastures, unlike grass-fed cows. Instead, they’re kept in cramped living conditions, a potential breeding ground for diseases that could mean disaster for your health.

Want creamier dishes without the guilt? Use sour cream, since it’s[ECR7]  lighter without skipping the flavor. However, most sour cream sold today is made from milk and cream tainted with rBGH, a growth hormone that was found to increase breast cancer risk.[ECR8]  Use sour cream made from organic and unpasteurized raw milk instead. Even better, make your own sour cream from fresh, raw, and organic cream by combining it with a lacto-fermentation starter culture.[ECR9]   


Mushrooms[JC10]  not only provide additional flavor to this recipe, but [ECR11] health benefits too. [ECR12] They help manage your weight, boost your immune system, allow nerves to regenerate, and even destroy cancer cells. You can use any type of mushroom you have on hand, but make sure to clean them with a damp cloth before using to prevent mushroom poisoning.


 [ECR1]Added this word, because I changed recipe ingredients

 [JC2]Linked to Simply Organic site

 [MJU3]Changed the measurement to 1 ¼ cup water instead because recipe calls for ¼ cup water in instruction #1 and another 1 cup in instruction #3, would be redundant to have two entries for water in ingredients list

 [JC4]Linked to corresponding Food Fatcs pages.

 [JC5]Linked to grass-fed beef article

 [JC6]Linked to omega 3 evergreen page

 [ECR7]Its vs it’s

 [ECR8]Maybe add something here about making your own sour cream

 [ECR9]Sour cream cannot be grass-fed. The cows who produce the milk are. Be very careful when rephrasing or simplifying sentences.

 [JC10]Linked to Mushrooms infographic.

 [ECR11]redundant use of word

 [ECR12]Period missing

from La Mav Combined

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