Pregnancy, Beauty, Noms And Everything In Between
Guess who is here? Our most favorite green beauty blogger in the universe, the super-ultra-mega gorgeous future mommy (in case you don't know, yet) Yadira from CleanBeautyTalk. In an honest interview with us, she talks about everything that have changed in her life after getting the big news.
Let's meet Yadira! (because she rocks, I am telling you!)
A month ago, we found out you are pregnant – congrats, that’s wonderful news! How do u feel as a future mommy?
Depends on what day you ask me? Ha. I’m definitely really excited, although some days I’m super anxious/scared as well. But, wouldn’t you be? In four months’ I’ll be pushing out a teeny, tiny human into this world. It’s a pretty big life change…not to mention body change. Although 9 months is a good chunk of time to overthink things and get used to the idea.
Have you changed any of your habits and if yes – which ones?
My life is changing completely – although it started to change when my husband and I started trying. The biggest changes I think would have to be my coffee intake, exercise routine and work life. I’ve cut back on my daily coffee fix and (sadly) replaced it with a giant cup of green tea. My exercise routine is akin to an 80 year old pensioner’s although I’m still managing to squeeze in as much yoga as I can (or as much as my growing belly will allow) and today my Friday and Saturday nights feel like rest binge/recover parties for my work weeks. Some days all I want to do is sleep like a sloth. My body just aint’ what it used to be.
What is your current favorite skin care item?
This is so hard, but right now it has to be GO-TO Skincare’s Exceptionoil. I’ve always been blessed with amazing ‘do whatever you want to me’ type skin although I’ve found that during pregnancy my skin has become weirdly sensitive. Some weeks I’ve even broken out instead of getting that ‘pregnancy glow’ - unfair! But Go-To’s saved me. It’s funny though, because I did try GO-TO’s Exceptionoil prior to pregnancy and although I liked it, I found it too gentle and a little too oily for my oily skin – but right now, it’s been a lifesaver. GO, GO-TO! Wooo.
And how about makeup – have you changed your makeup routine?
I’m wearing more makeup these days, which is strange considering I never used to wear much. But when you wake up feeling like a troll who’s been sitting under a bridge eating doughnuts all night, something like a little extra blush, can always make you feel like a troll - with a little more glam. (Although it won’t make that ‘I ate one too many doughnuts’ feeling go away…at least not until your baby is born.)
Now let’s talk about “the monster” all future moms dread – stretch marks. How are you planning to keep stretch marks at bay? We are sure you already have a plan!
You are so right! I’ve been on stretch mark patrol since the first trimester, scouring mum blogs and incessantly asking my beautiful mama friends for their tips and tricks. So I’m currently using products that have been recommended as well as brands I love, trust and would marry in a second. As my skin has become quite sensitive, I’m also relying heavily on body oils. My stretch mark saviours right now are the: Sodashi Vanilla Body Butter, Sodashi Vitamin Rich Body Oil (actually, anything Sodashi is always a winner) and I’m trying out Mummy’s Tummy by Skin Juice (whenever my sensitive skin will allow). I’ve also been exfoliating my tummy and boobs with La Mav’s Coffee Bean Scrub in the shower weekly.
La Mav's body range includes three luxurious products, enriched with powerful bio-active ingredients and pure plant oils to keep your skin hydrated and beautiful, all year round! All products are natural, certified organic, certified cruelty free, vegan, and safe to use while pregnant or nursing!
Since you have an incredible beauty blog (I am a huge fan, btw) let’s talk more about beauty? What is your ultimate beauty secret?
It’s what everybody says, but it’s the truest of truths…eat your greens, drink water, make time to sloth on the couch, and sleep. That’s all you need. Also, don’t follow fake, skinny chicks on Instagram – why do you need that type of torture in your life?
The beauty item you can’t live without is …
Bronzer. Take whatever else you want from my beauty bag but I will cut you for my bronzer.
What to try: La Mav Sunkissed Bronzer
La Mav Sunkissed Bronzer provides a beautiful sun-kissed glow to your skin all year round and it does that naturally (no harmful chemicals, talc or dangerous preservatives). Perfect for contouring facial features and adding healthy glow to the skin!
Favorite DIY beauty recipe?
Coconut oil hair masks, I don’t think they work on thin hair, but if your hair is super thick like mine, they work miracles. Actually, it took me a while to get it right because if you use too much coconut oil in your hair, you will F IT UP (and it will get super oily instead of smooth). All you need to do is shampoo your hair, towel dry it, scoop a couple of Tbs’s of coconut oil onto the ends; then you have to massage and comb it through and glad wrap your head for half hour. The glad wrap will not only help the oil seep further into your hair, but it will make you look super sexy too.
How did you decided to start a green beauty/lifestyle blog?
I had all of these words in my head that needed to get out before I went cray cray. So I sat down one day and meditated on the question what do I love? I realized I DO love watching the Kardashians but thought that creating a Kardashian blog might be taking my love too far. So instead I decided to focus on creating a blog that would expand on some of my work as a freelance journalist and my current nutrition studies via the Institute of Integrative Nutrition – but in a funner way. The writing on my site is honest, real and NO sub-editors are allowed within 50 metres of my posts. Ps. It is about to have a massive makeover! So watch this space >> <<.
Your blog posts are super fun to read and the way you express your feeling and thoughts about certain things it’s just – LOL! I’ve always admired your work and your ability to make every story you tell, worth reading. Where do you find inspiration or it just comes to you naturally?
This is my brain, ha. I like to tell it like it is. Creativity is key. I love beauty, I love health and I love writing. Also, I don’t work with any brands I do not use, or believe in. (Hello LA MAV!) Coffee is pretty good inspiration too (at least it used to be… waaaah*).
Do you follow any beauty blogs and if yes – which ones? We are on the hunt for good reads!
You know what, I don’treally follow beauty blogs.I follow fashion blogs like Man Repeller, the Coveteur, Buro 247 and I love The Cut and NY Magazine too. I also like to stalk healthy foodies on Insta like Lola Berry and Jess Sepel who are so real. I love real people’s realness. If that makes sense? I also love anybody who can write and touch me with their words via those old school things called ‘books’. Swoooon*.
We’ve heard that women change their food preferences when they are expecting a baby? How did yours change? (we spy on you on IG and we know you love good noms)
I could write on this subject forever. I love good food. Good food that feeds your soul and makes your skin sing - that’s what I’m about. But during the first trimester I was definitely not about that…it was actually quite hard as I was hit with endless waves of nausea. Although it did leave me with a newfound love and respect for butter and sourdough (my first trimester knights in shining armour!) But I’m back to normal now – with an added love of anything with Vitamin C – weird? I think it’s different for every lady. Although I haven’t had any pickle and ice-cream cravings people talk about. Grossness.
What’s you mantra for happiness?
Love yourself. Eat chocolate.
I am Yadira and I believe in…
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