Wednesday, September 21, 2016

La Mav Meets: Kim Batley from Oh Goodness Me

A cup of tea with Kim Batley from Oh Goodness Me

This week, we had the pleasure to share a cup of chai tea with the lovely Kim Batley, founder of our favorite Australian luxury vegan beauty boutique -  Oh Goodness Me. We chatted about the importance of cleaning your life and your mind of things you don't really need; how amazing vegan food is; how much we love yoga; her favorite makeup and skin care products and much more. Join us - let's meet Kim!

1. I am Kim and I love.. stormy weather, creating delicious vegan meals, alternative music, jumping into a freshly made bed, cups of herbal or chai tea, being a voice for the animals, composing images for Oh Goodness Me, a glass of wine, supporting locals, the rain on the roof when I drift off to sleep, where I live, a shower after a long day, a simple approach to living and my beautiful husband.

2. I trust in.. man-kind and that we can evolve into being just that. Kind to the planet, kind to the animals and kind to ourselves.

3. I find it hard to.. maintain my balance with some of the  yoga poses we do in class. I am working on that core strength though :)

4. I feel frustrated when.. I hear people say, “Oh that is just how I was brought up”, like it gives them an instant pardon for bad choices. I do believe we are able to educate ourselves and discover new things as adults. This knowledge is what separates us from that child version of us that people refer too when they make this statement. The world would not evolve without it and we would just keep repeating the same mistakes if we all took on this statement.

5 .I am thankful for.. all the amazing vegan food blogs that are around now because they have given my husband the confidence and ideas to create yummy meals for us. He has turned into my kitchen super hero and whips up lots of his own creations and even does the grocery shopping. It is such a blessing when I am working a lot and I am more than thankful.

6. When I wake up in the morning.. have a glass of water with lemon, then I jump into a warm shower, spend some time making breakfast, catch up on emails or social media and then start my working day.

7. When I go to bed, I think about.. how much I actually love my bed and how blissful it is at the end of the day:) I actually don't think about much once I am there because I have learnt that nothing gets solved in those times when you are tired. I would rather write it down and deal with it the next day refreshed. Much like meditation, I try and clear my thoughts and listen to my breathing.

8. If I could give advice to my 18 year old self, I'll.. tell her not compare herself with others and enjoy being her own unique self because people will love, be drawn to and admire you for those differences. I would also tell her to start using anti-aging products earlier.

9. I have chosen to support the natural/organic beauty trend because.. I have realised that there are far safer, healthier and kinder alternatives that are available to us. I am happy to support those who are making those conscious choices. I truly believe that nature delivers the best ingredients and the people who are creating these products are essentially creating the world they want to live in and I support that.

10. My favorite makeup item is.. my BB and CC creams. I love these multitasking products because they give my face a hint of colour, hydrate my skin, correct the colour, protect me from  sun damage and they have the added anti-aging benefits I need.

11. The skin care item I can’t live without.. these days is a good face serum. My skin really enjoys that pampering of love before I go to bed. I let the natural goodness do its work while I sleep. There are so many natural skin food blends being created for all skin types and issues these days. We are truly lucky.

12. When I have to do my makeup in less than 5 minutes, I always apply.. my CC or BB cream, a quick dusting of Natural Mineral Makeup, cheek balm, lip balm or lipstick, eyeliner, eye shadows and mascara. It generally only takes me 5 minutes to do my makeup most days. I may spend a little more time if I am going out.

Formulated with the purest natural minerals and infused with Vitamin C & Rosehip Oil, our Organic BB Cream will nourish, hydrate and protect your skin. It will allow you to achieve flawless finish, effortlessly, and will restore your natural glow!

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13. I am obsessed with.. simple living and minimalist design. The last few years I have looked more closely at what really is important and I came to conclusion that I do not need a lot of “stuff” in my life. I have never been a very materialistic type person but the last few years there has been a lot more talk about minimalism. I decided that I didn't want to live in a museum so I donated or gave away things we did not use. I also decided less was more with my wardrobe and started looking into Capsule Wardrobes for inspiration. The Project 333 challenge is a great place to get started. I have also incorporated these thoughts into other areas of my life and find my mind is less cluttered.

14. I want to.. spend more time doing healthy pursuits like Yoga. It makes me feel more centered, happy and able, so I am going to devote much more time in my week to making that a reality.

15. And I don’t want to.. miss out on what there is to come in life. I want to experience all I can while I age so I have adopted the healthiest approach possible. I want to grow old with my husband.

16. My mantra for happiness is.. I have everything I need.

17. Beauty is.. not a measure of attractiveness but more an inner radiance that some people have. Of course there are some things in life that are just aesthetically pleasing but it really is deeper than that. Beauty can be seen and heard in the way we treat others, how we hold ourselves, being confident in our choices and most importantly it is being true to our unique self.

18. Don’t forget to.. take some time out for yourself each day. Whether it is doing some yoga or meditation, having a bath, reading a book, going for a walk, doing some art or just listening to your favourite music while you drive through the day. 

For more from Kim and Oh Goodness Me, follow her on Instagram and Facebook!

from La Mav Combined

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