Monday, July 13, 2015

3 Plant Oils With Natural SPF

3 Plant Oils To Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Though we adore spending time outdoors, soaking warmth and energy from the sun, we also know that excess sun exposure and skipping sun protection are the leading causes for premature aging – in particular, the so called, photo aging. UV rays (to be exact UVA) are such strong mutagens that they can alter the structure of your skin after just a few hours of exposure (unprotected). Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Just as scary as the ingredient list of most mass-market sunscreens – products that on the one hand promise to protect you from melanoma (sun-induced cancer) but on the other, are so filled with harmful chemicals, that actually make you wondering how to get your daily dose of vitamin D and the sun-kissed, golden glow you desire so much, without putting your health at risk? Thankfully, once again, nature has the answer to your question. Today we’ll tell you a bit more about 3 wonderful plant oils that can protect your skin from the sun – naturally!

Wheatgerm Oil

First on our list is the oil extracted from the “heart” of the wheat kernel - Wheatgerm oil, with the impressive SPF 20! As probably some of you know, wheat germ is the most nutrient-rich part of the wheat and it’s like a super-recharging-cocktail of ultra-beneficial substances that are sure to make your skin feel & look amazing! The SPF is attributed partially to the high content of powerful antioxidants ( vitamin E included) along with vitamins like A, D and B, that not only reduce oxidative stress caused by UV rays, but also nourish your skin and help is stay healthy and resistant to external damage, preserving its integrity and  youthfulness.

Note: Just like any other vegetable oil, if not stored properly, Wheatgerm oil can go rancid. Always make sure to store your oils away from direct sunlight and at temperature below 25°C. Besides that, don’t forget that “Choosing organic is the way to go!” . Buying certified organic plant oils is the best guarantee that that their properties are fully preserved!

Hempseed Oil

Not only Hempseed oil is my recent favorite, because of its amazing skin healing and restorative properties, but it also offers SPF 6! One more reason to love it so much! The structure of hempseed oil closely resembles the one of the natural body lipids, making it ideal for restoring damaged skin, healing tissues and maintaining the integrity of skin’s hydro-lipid barrier. Thanks to its high content of essential fatty acids, Hempseed oils is a great pick for people struggling with eczema, dermatitis and other skin conditions, associated with  dryness, itchiness and irritations.

La Mav Pure Oil Therapy Range offers a variety of carefully selected, pure, organic, cold-pressed plant oil that are going to transform the appearance of your skin naturally!

Discover The Range

Jojoba Oil

Even though Jojoba oils has relatively low SPF (4 to be exact), still it’s way better than sunscreens that contain  Retinyl Palmitate, Oxyenzone and Nanoparticles. Jojoba oil soaks into the skin with ease and doesn’t leave any greasy residues. Apart from that it’s wonderful for acne-prone/oily skin because it has composition similar to the composition of the sebum your skin naturally produces. It doesn’t clog pores, has waxy like properties (thus preserves water from evaporating, keeping your skin hydrated and glowing) and last but not least - lubricates the skin and makes it baby-soft! If you are planning to spend an hour or two out and about, Jojoba oil can work for you, just as good as any other commercially available moisturizer with SPF up to 15. Jojoba oil is also very stable, which means it doesn’t go rancid in a few months, like many other vegetable oils.

PS: We do not claim that these oils would work for everyone, and if you have fair complexion/suffer from hyperpigmentation or you spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun, you might need higher SPF. Still, don’t forget to read the labels and do some research on the safety of the ingredients in your personal care products if you want to keep your body clean and healthy!

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