Monday, August 29, 2016

BuzzFeed News Releases ISDS Investigation Report

BuzzFeed News has launched a major 4-piece investigation into the sinister key provision of the TPP, called ISDS. ISDS would give new rights for thousands of multinational corporations to sue the U.S. government before a panel of three corporate lawyers. They can award unlimited sums, including for the loss of future expected profits, to be paid […]

The post BuzzFeed News Releases ISDS Investigation Report appeared first on Stop the TPP.

from La Mav Combined

Scurvy May Be on the Rise

By Dr. Mercola

Scurvy is a disease most commonly associated with sailors who didn’t realize their teeth were falling out because they weren’t consuming enough vitamin C. But this disease, thought to be from another age, may be on the rise.

Scurvy, once called “the scourge of the sea,” may be returning simply because modern diets don’t always contain enough vitamin C, aka ascorbic acid, a crucial nutrient to maintain healthy skin, bones, teeth, tissues and blood vessels.

Vitamin C is also required to absorb iron and produce collagen, a major component of connective tissue.

From the Latin term “scorbutus,” scurvy has been an affliction for which the cause was unknown for possibly thousands of years, such as in ancient Egypt and Greece. Until recently, scurvy had been thought of as quite rare, but this seems to be changing.

‘Scourge of the Sea’ Was a Sailor Killer

In the 18th century, scurvy killed more sailors on long-distance runs than enemy combat. In 1747, a British voyage had the “sailor’s bon voyage” for 1,300 scurvy victims from a crew of 2,000 in just 10 months (indicating how serious this disease really is).

A doctor who conducted what may have been the first scurvy trials described the usual diet of seals’ livers and fat in his journals. Sailors suffered from ulcers, blackened skin and gum disease so severe their breath smelled rotten and their teeth fell out. They also had a terrible craving for citrus fruits.

The study involved 12 test subjects who were paired up and given either cider, acid, seawater or lemons along with their rations. Those given lemons recovered miraculously, while the others got worse.1 Finally, someone had put two and two together, as a BBC News article noted:

“When they reached land, it was celery, cabbage and plants which helped them recover. Future voyages carried dried vegetables, fruit and palm wine and sauerkraut to help ward off the dreaded scurvy and in 1752 a Scottish doctor, James Lind, found proof that citrus had a rapid beneficial effect.”

While it’s now common knowledge (to most) that vitamin C intake is the way to prevent this dreadful disease, there are still areas of the world — including highly developed countries — where people don’t think of scurvy in relation to themselves.

Scurvy — Not Just an Ancient Disease or In Third-World Countries

Today, some people may be able to buy whatever food they want, yet still may experience a wide array of mysterious physical symptoms ranging from brain fog to unexplained pain to chronic fatigue that is later diagnosed as scurvy.

Blood tests are beginning to reveal that many patients with these and other symptoms have low vitamins C, B and D levels, according to Dr. Reeta Achari, a Houston-based neurologist. She told Houston Public Media:

“What I discovered was that a lot of people, in an effort to get healthy, [were] taking on diets that were very restrictive, so gluten-free or paleo, something where they were eliminating an essential food from their diet.”2

Describing her first scurvy patient, Achari noted joint and stomach pain, bruising and a skin rash. Other extensive tests showed nothing adverse. An epiphany of sorts caused her to check the patient’s vitamin C, and sure enough, the levels were dangerously low.

When Achari asked the patient what she normally ate, it turned out to be fairly negligible: Her steady diet consisted of canned chicken tortilla soup and not much else — no fruits, no vegetables.

Vitamins B and C level checks are now a prerequisite in Achari’s office, as similarly poor dietary habits seem to be on the rise, as well, often due to an overly limited paleo or gluten-free diet.

Besides external factors such as famine and food shortages, other causes of insufficient vitamin C intake include anorexia and food allergies.

Another patient, Annarose Harding, who worked full time and had a demanding schedule, admitted her diet was “terrible” and consisted largely of caffeine in the form of Monster drinks, frozen lunches and late dinners. Her first symptoms when she arrived at the doctor’s office included shooting pains in her feet and legs.

Harding’s first fear was multiple sclerosis, but she was diagnosed with low vitamin C as well as other nutrient deficiencies. While she’d gained weight in law school, actual practice found her malnourished. She was prescribed vitamin D and over-the-counter vitamin C, B12 and B6 supplements. By week three, she had remarkably improved.

Scurvy Symptoms and Diagnosis

Some of the first signs of scurvy modern doctors see, such as gum problems and joint pain, were likely experienced by those sailors before their symptoms became devastating. Initial indicators are:

Loss of appetite

Inability to gain weight


Rapid breathing



Leg tenderness and discomfort

Swelling in long bones

Bleeding (hemorrhaging)

Feelings of paralysis


Brain fog

Further along in the disease, symptoms become more severe and may include:

Bleeding gums

Loosened teeth

Pinpoint skin hemorrhaging

Bleeding of the eye

Protruding eyes

Beading of joint cartilage

Corkscrew hair

Hyperkeratosis skin disorder

Sicca syndrome autoimmune disorder

Wounds that won’t heal

Medical News Today3 describes signs of scurvy in babies:

“Infants with scurvy will become apprehensive, anxious, and progressively irritable. They often will assume the frog leg posture for comfort when struck with pseudoparalysis.

It is common for infants with scurvy to present subperiosteal hemorrhage, a specific bleeding that occurs at the lower ends of the long bones.”

How Can Scurvy Be Treated and Prevented?

No longer considered a thing of the past, scurvy is showing up in increasing numbers in England, where from 2013 to 2014, it was the leading cause of admission to 16 hospitals, and the primary or secondary reason for 94 hospital check-ins. Between 2009 and 2014, the prevalence escalated by 27 percent.

Low-income families in both cities and rural areas of the world may be at risk, as may (to be expected) individuals where drug or alcohol dependence is a factor. Sometimes elderly individuals don’t eat enough, and what they omit may be a nutrient like vitamin C.

In some cases, however, children with similar problems are diagnosed with a disorder that is entirely preventable, which a pediatric dietician for the British Dietetic Association, Lucy Jackman, called “fussy eaters.” She told BBC News:

“The key is to catch it early, get the message across about balanced eating and to make sure they are eating five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.”4

The good news is adding vitamin C and other important nutrients to your diet isn’t an expensive proposition. Fruits and vegetables come fresh, raw, cooked and canned, dried and frozen, and are arguably available in most stores where food is sold. Fruits, veggies and other foods containing some of the highest amounts of vitamin C include:



Lemons, limes, grapefruit



Black currants






Sweet potatoes





In fact, the vitamin C in one large orange or a bowl of strawberries a day is enough to prevent scurvy. BBC News noted, however:

“Without it, we lack a protein called collagen which can't be replaced and we end up with symptoms that were common hundreds of years ago in sick sailors and malnourished children.”5

If a vitamin C deficiency is serious enough, medical intervention may include vitamin C injection until dietary supplementation or food intake is sufficient.

Recommended Vitamin C Intake for Children and Adults

Vitamin C deficiency is particularly detrimental to developing fetuses. One study indicated that when pregnant mothers don’t get enough ascorbic acid, their babies’ brains did not develop properly.6 According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the current recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C is as follows.7 However, some experts recommend amounts of 1,000 mg or even higher.  

Infants up to 6 months need around 40 milligrams (mg)

Babies 7 to 12 months need around 50 mg

Children aged 1 through 3 need around 15 mg

Children aged 4 through 8 need around 25 mg

Children aged 9 through 13 need around 45 mg

Boys aged 14 through 18 need 75 mg; girls need 65 mg

Male adults need around 90 mg; women need 75 mg

Pregnant women should ingest 80 to 85 mg of vitamin C, and breastfeeding mothers from 115 to 120 mg

People who smoke require about 35 mg more per day than non-smokers

Other Dietary Deficiencies Cause Problems Just as Debilitating

Nutritional deficiencies in general may be increasing, and again, not just in developing nations. The Environmental Working Group reports that more than 40 percent of adults in the U.S. are experiencing vitamins D, E, A and E deficiencies and also get inadequate levels of calcium and magnesium.

“Inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals is most common among 14-to-18-year-old teenagers. Adolescent girls have lower nutrient intake than boys. But nutrient deficiencies are rare among younger American children; the exceptions are dietary vitamin D and E, for which intake is low for all Americans, and calcium. Approximately one-fifth of 2-to-8-year-old children don’t get enough calcium in their diets, compared to a half of adults and four-fifths of 14-to-18-year-old girls.”8

Research from 2014 confirms that in the U.K. one in 40 people suffer from gout, commonly linked with “too much port” and a generally unhealthy lifestyle, something not uncommon throughout the world.

from La Mav Combined

Nearly Half of American Adults Are Pre-Diabetic or Diabetic

Is Your Lump a Sebaceous Cyst or Something More Serious?

By Dr. Mercola

You may have at one time or other noticed a small, painless bump under your skin, possibly behind your ear or on your chest, shoulders or back. Many people refer to these as sebaceous cysts, but they may be a more common variety called epidermoid. Generally speaking, there are three types of skin cysts:

  • Epidermoid cysts occur when surface skin cells form a fluid-filled sac. They’re generally slow growing, harmless and measure 1 to 5 centimeters across. They aren’t painful unless infection sets in, at which point it turns into an unsightly abscess.
  • Pilar cysts form when the lining of the bump is composed of cells like hair roots, appear most often on the hair follicles of your scalp, and may catch when you comb your hair.
  • Sebaceous cysts, which are much less common, contain oil while regular skin cysts don’t.

A splinter or small cut, sunburn, waxing and shaving, swollen hair follicles, increased skin sebum and acne can cause cysts. Picking them or subjecting them to chafing (such as a bra strap) can aggravate the problem, making them even more uncomfortable and potentially causing infection.

If you have a cyst, most doctors agree that doing nothing is actually better than doing something, as WebMD notes:1

“You might be tempted to try to pop and drain an epidermoid cyst on your own, but this isn't a good idea. First, if the cyst is infected, the infection could spread if the cyst ruptures and drains beneath the skin.

Second, if any of the cyst’s sac is left behind, it could grow back. If the cyst doesn't bother you, it’s fine to leave it alone. If it seems to be infected, is uncomfortable, or you don't like the way it looks, it’s best to have it checked by a doctor.”

If it’s on your face or in an area that’s constantly irritated, a doctor may lance it off. Surgical cyst removal may entail a local anesthesia and removal of the entire sac; otherwise, it may reappear.2 A deep infection may be packed with sterile gauze so it continues to drain.

Blocked sweat glands (hidradenitis suppurativa or HS) may appear as painful, pimple-like bumps. Surgical removal may work for a short time, but the glands may become blocked again and the bumps return. WebMD explains:

“Laser therapy and cryosurgery are promising treatments for HS. They use beams of light or cold gases to destroy the hair follicles that get infected, and remove HS bumps. Some people’s breakouts clear up after a few treatments.”3

What are epidermal or cutaneous cysts made of? According to Medical News Daily:4

“Both epidermoid and pilar cysts are filled with a substance that is like toothpaste in consistency, and cheesy and smelly. However, the substance is not — except for complicated cysts — infected by microbes like bacteria. The pus smells worse when it is infected.”

Gross, right? But experts say nearly everyone gets at least one of these in their lifetime, usually during their 20s and 30s. However, cysts are nearly twice as common in men than in women, according to U.K.-based Patient.5 Most of these cysts go away on their own.

Scientists don’t know why every type of cyst occurs, although they believe it may have something to do with genetics. Case in point: A genetic disorder known as Gardner’s syndrome causes multiple skin cysts.

Sebeceous Cysts Are Different

Sebaceous cysts, on the other hand, appear when the sebaceous gland is blocked by the fibrous protein keratin,6 which is the makeup of hair, as well as hooves, claws and horns.7 Mirriam-Webster describes “sebaceous” as “secreting sebum,” relating to fatty material.

The cysts contain oil from the sebaceous glands surrounding the base of normal hairs. They contain a clear, oily liquid, have a pungent smell and can appear anywhere on your body except for your palms or soles of your feet. On your skin, sebaceous cysts may show redness and soreness, indicating a minor infection.

Boils and abscesses are similar, but sebaceous cysts are not as large and are not inherently cancerous.

Faruncles, Carbuncles and Boils, Oh My!

A boil is a common condition that may begin as a small lump that becomes red and slightly painful, then fills with pus. Carbuncles are more prevalent in men, deeper than boils and take longer to heal. Up To Date8 describes variations:

“A furuncle (or ‘boil’) is an infection of the hair follicle in which purulent material extends through the dermis into the subcutaneous tissue, where a small abscess forms. A carbuncle is a coalescence of several inflamed follicles into a single inflammatory mass with purulent drainage from multiple follicles.”

Similar eruptions are more specific:

  • Folliculitis is an infection caused by an inflamed hair follicle. It may look like tiny pimples around individual hairs, with reddened skin. Not as deep as a boil, it’s still an infection, and a gateway, of sorts, for staph to enter.
  • Boils and abscesses in your groin or armpit areas may be hidradenitis suppurativa, which typically starts in blocked sweat glands and hair follicles.
  • A pilonidal abscess occurs just above the crease of your buttocks and may involve a hair follicle. The “pilonidal dimple” some babies are born with may create a place for this type of boil to form.
  • A sty on the eyelid is usually a puffy, painful infection when an eyelash becomes infected. Styes are sometimes confused with a chalazion, which is painless and not infected.
  • Rose gardener’s disease caused by a fungus is called Sporothrix schenckii.9 Small cuts from handling vegetation eventually form a small nodule on your finger or arm that turns into an ulcer.

Other skin conditions can develop in people with skin or nasal Staphylococcus aureus without causing problems, but infection can come about via community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA) and occur more often than abscesses due to other bacteria.

If a staph infection causes a boil, it can spread easily, so skin-to-skin contact should be avoided, and do not share towels, bedding or articles like yoga mats. Keep the boil covered and wash your hands frequently.

Boils are usually treatable at home unless they’re in a vulnerable area or a place you can’t easily get to. While usually smaller than a pea, they can become golf-ball-sized.

If you experience something similar and start feeling tired, feverish or generally unwell, you may want to call your doctor. In an article listing such skin problems, WebMD notes:

“Rarely, the staph bacteria from a boil or carbuncle can get into the bloodstream, which can then affect the heart and other internal organs.”10

Nutritional Deficiencies That Show Up on the Skin

Diabetes and a weakened immune system may exacerbate boils of different types. Nutrient deficiencies sometimes reveal themselves through skin problems and potentially cause cysts, such as:

A red, scaly rash, particularly on your face, might indicate a vitamin B7, or biotin, deficiency. Organic, pastured egg yolks are one of the best sources of biotin to metabolize fats, amino acids and carbohydrates. Biotin strengthens your hair and nails and helps smooth out your skin.

Eating raw, pastured, organic eggs (both the white and the yolk) is an excellent way to combat this skin malady. Avocados, mushrooms, cauliflower, nuts, raspberries and wild-caught Alaskan salmon are more good biotin sources.

Red or white bumps resembling acne may appear on your cheeks, arms, thighs or buttocks, revealing a possible need for more essential fatty acids in your diet, including animal-based omega-3 fats.

Eating sardines, anchovies, wild-caught Alaskan salmon and taking krill oil supplements will introduce more of these nutrients into your system. For more skin-enhancing vitamin A,11 eat more leafy green veggies, sweet potatoes, carrots and red bell peppers.

Sores or cracks at the corners of your mouth may be a sign that you’re not getting adequate iron, zinc, B12 or protein in your diet. Again, organic, free-range poultry and eggs and wild-caught Alaskan salmon are good sources.

Assuming they’re derived from non-polluted waters, oysters and clams are another good way to get more of these vitamins and minerals into your diet, as well as Swiss chard, and tahini because of the sesame.

Home Remedies for Sebaceous Cysts, Boils and Other Skin Problems

At-home treatments for cysts start with keeping them clean — simple soap and water is best, rinsed well and air-dried, especially if a cyst is infected. Many natural topical treatments are very effective and may even cure the problem, such as:

  • A warm, soothing compress a few times a day will stimulate your circulation and hasten the healing process.
  • Epsom salt is an effective treatment when it’s put into your bath water for a 20-minute, allover soak, or just soak the infected area. Follow it up with one of the following treatments for a double whammy of healing.
  • A combination of dandelion and viola herbs placed in an herbal bag and soaked in a teacup for 45 minutes can be squeezed lightly and applied directly to the cyst for several minutes, after which you can drink the tea, three or four times a day for up to two weeks.

Oils, creams and liquid remedies can be applied directly to the cyst, covered with a compress and secured with plastic tape for a few hours or overnight, which also serves to protect the cyst from germs. Repeat the process until the cyst is healed. These remedies include:

Tea tree oil, which is both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, should be mixed with water at a 1:9 ratio

A few drops of potassium iodide, applied two or three times daily to deal with infection

Bee pollen, topical or in pill form, is a natural blood purifier and may be effective for skin cysts

Colloidal silver may stimulate your lymph system and help heal cysts

Castor oil helps bring the cyst to a head quickly, after which it will drain and shrink away

Aloe vera is both pain relieving and healing, because it’s antimicrobial12

Proanthocyanidins in witch hazel help reduce inflamed cold sores, canker sores and wounds13

Raw manuka honey is a natural wound healer and has even destroyed MRSA

Turmeric is another anti-inflammatory healer, as is potassium iodide, according to one study:14

“ … Kills all types of germs, i.e., bacteria, viruses and fungi … (and) is preferred in treating boils, cysts and skin infections. Acne pustules are very responsive, the sebaceous duct discharging easily and permitting prompt healing without scar … Large furuncles, i.e., boils, are equally responsive although they take longer to resolve.

Sebaceous cysts soften within minutes of the application of iodide and the sebum plugged hair follicle usually opens so as to permit easy expression of the contents.”

When Would a Cyst Be Considered Dangerous?

While you may have a boil that looks like many others — painful, red, inflamed and maybe filled with pus — MRSA looks very similar. It’s different in that MRSA is a staph infection that’s often antibiotic resistant, which is why it’s dangerous. Check with your doctor if you’re not sure, as prompt treatment may prevent a more serious infection.

You may also want to call your doctor if the boil is large or painful, is on your spine or face, has red streaks coming from it, keeps coming back or won’t heal, becomes crusty, or bleeds easily.

from La Mav Combined

My Morning Routine, Yoga For A Clear Mind + My Spirit Animal:

Ever wondered about my morning routine, my yoga practice or how I keep a clear head with such a crazy schedule?! Today, I’m sharing it all with you (plus more!) in a brand new interview with Wolven Threads, who asked me such amazing questions – I had to share! I was so thrilled to be [...]

The post My Morning Routine, Yoga For A Clear Mind + My Spirit Animal: appeared first on The Organic Life.

from La Mav Combined

The Power of Pain

I spent a long time avoiding pain. Escape WAS my medicine. This is what my 11 years on Rx drugs were about: numbing out, tuning out, zoning out – anything but zooming in and looking right at the source. Yes, they were prescribed to me by a doctor. No, I didn’t have to go out [...]

The post The Power of Pain appeared first on The Organic Life.

from La Mav Combined

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Restoring Your Soil: Advice by an Old School Soil to Health Expert

Satisfying Gluten-Free Coconut Macaroons

Recipe From Healthy Holistic Living

Subtly sweet, moist and chewy on the inside, and delectably crisp on the outside, coconut macaroons are an irresistible treat. This healthy yet delicious snack can suit your gluten-free diet, and is lactose-free too.

Here’s a quick and easy gluten-free coconut macaroons recipe from Healthy Holistic Living. Try it, and an appetizing batch of these macaroons can be yours in less than half an hour!


1 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut

1 Tbsp. coconut flour

½ cup plus 2 Tbsp. coconut milk

3 Tbsp. raw honey

¼ tsp. pure vanilla extract


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Place parchment paper or reusable non-stick baking sheet on tray.

3. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan over high heat, and then bring down to a simmer for two minutes, or until it thickens.

4. Remove from the heat. Scoop mixture into balls and place on the baking sheet.

5. Bake until golden brown on top (five to 15 minutes, depending on your oven. Be sure to check every few minutes).

6. Allow to cool and set for several minutes, and then enjoy!

This recipe makes 10 to 12 macaroons.

Go Nuts for Coconuts With This Recipe

While coconut is considered exotic in the U.S. and most Western countries, it is a dietary staple in the Pacific islands and tropical countries. Coconut is a healthy, delicious and refreshing tropical fruit hailed for its many nutritional benefits. This recipe uses three kinds of coconut products, all of which have an impressive nutritional profile:

• Unsweetened Shredded Coconut – Also called desiccated coconut, this is a flavorful addition to a variety of foods, including pastries, soups and pies. A one-cup serving of shredded coconut gives you:

o 2.68 grams of protein

o 1.79 milligrams of iron

o 1.68 milligrams of zinc

Shredded coconut also contains essential minerals, including selenium and manganese, which both stimulate enzymes like antioxidants. Your cells need antioxidants for protection against cellular damage caused by free radicals — the common pathway for aging, tissue damage, cancer and other diseases. Selenium helps relieve arthritis symptoms by controlling free radicals and reducing the risk of joint inflammation. On the other hand, manganese promotes healthy bone structure and nerve function.

Coconut Flour – This product is made from finely grated dried coconut meat, with a powder-like texture similar to grain flours. It has a mild coconut scent and flavor that will not overwhelm your recipes, but rather will impart a natural sweetness and rich texture. Coconut flour is light and airy, making it an ideal alternative for baking. Here are others reasons to ditch your regular flour for coconut flour:

o It’s 100 percent gluten-free. Coconut flour is a healthy gluten-free alternative to wheat. Gluten is highly allergenic and can even be fatal for people with Celiac disease, a digestive and autoimmune disorder where gluten damages the lining of the small intestine, and interferes with the absorption of nutrients in food.

o Coconut flour is rich in dietary fiber. Fiber encourages proper digestion and regular bowel movements. It also helps lower cholesterol levels and improve blood sugar control. Each tablespoon of coconut flour contains 6 grams of dietary fiber per serving, which is triple the amount compared to whole flour, and almost double that of wheat bran.

o It’s packed with protein. Coconut flour is exceptionally filling because it contains more protein than other flours. Protein is an essential component in rebuilding cells and maintaining healthy tissues and muscles.

o It helps regulate blood sugar level spikes. It has a lower glycemic index than regular flour, making it a healthier option for diabetics and prediabetics. The glycemic index measures how foods affect blood sugar levels — the higher the glycemic index, the greater an effect a particular food has on raising blood sugar.

However, coconut flour’s composition is very different from other flours, and there are a few things to keep in mind when using it for cooking or baking:

o You cannot substitute coconut flour for wheat or other grain-based flours at a 1:1 ratio. Generally, you should use only one-quarter to one-third cup of coconut flour for every one cup of grain-based flour.

o You need to increase the number of eggs. Because coconut flour is extremely absorbent and dense, you should add in one egg per ounce of coconut flour to take the place of gluten and help bind the mixture together.

o Coconut flour is clumpy. For this reason, you should mix it thoroughly with the other ingredients in your recipe to end up with a fine-textured dough or mixture.

• Coconut milk – This is the liquid extracted from grated coconut meat. Its rich and creamy consistency makes it a scrumptious ingredient in Southeast Asian cuisine, such as for cooking curries and soups. Coconut milk is lactose-free, so it is suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

In terms of health benefits, the fatty acids in coconut milk may improve immune function because it is a good source of lauric acid, capric acid and antimicrobial lipids, which have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

The medium-chain saturated fatty acids in coconut may help reduce your heart disease risk. These fatty acids help eradicate the three major types of atherogenic organisms, which are bacteria that cause plaque formation in the arteries.

Coconut milk may also aid weight loss on a reduced-calorie diet because it is rich in fiber, which can potentially increase your body’s metabolism.

Raw Honey Adds Sweetness to This Snack

Raw honey, also touted as “liquid gold,” is a natural sweetener with many nutritional and medicinal values. A tablespoon of raw honey gives you 17 grams of carbohydrates. It is fat-free, cholesterol-free and sodium-free as well. Raw honey’s natural unprocessed fructose and glucose directly goes into the bloodstream and can provide a quick boost of energy.

However, since raw honey is high in fructose (averaging around 53 percent), it should be consumed in moderation. If you have insulin resistance or are taking medications for diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, it would be wise to avoid or reduce your consumption of sweeteners, including honey.

About the Author:

Healthy Holistic Living is an independent alternative health news resource that provides innovative, alternative health-related content, resources and product information that empowers individuals to make positive change in their lives and in the world.

from La Mav Combined

Natural Deodorant Reviews | Why you should make the switch

Thinking of making the switch to a green deodorant? Good for you! Conventional, heavy duty deodorants contain many nasty ingredients such as parabens, aluminium and fragrances. Prolonged use of these products can cause allergies, sensitivities and have even been linked… Continue Reading

from La Mav Combined

My Morning Routine, Yoga For A Clear Mind + My Spirit Animal:

Ever wondered about my morning routine, my yoga practice or how I keep a clear head with such a crazy schedule?! Today, I’m sharing it all with you (plus more!) in a brand new interview with Wolven Threads, who asked me such amazing questions – I had to share! I was so thrilled to be [...]

The post My Morning Routine, Yoga For A Clear Mind + My Spirit Animal: appeared first on The Organic Life.

from La Mav Combined

The Power of Pain

I spent a long time avoiding pain. Escape WAS my medicine. This is what my 11 years on Rx drugs were about: numbing out, tuning out, zoning out – anything but zooming in and looking right at the source. Yes, they were prescribed to me by a doctor. No, I didn’t have to go out [...]

The post The Power of Pain appeared first on The Organic Life.

from La Mav Combined

Saturday, August 27, 2016

For Optimal Health, Mind Your Oral Microbiome and Avoid Fluoride, Harsh Mouth Rinses and Amalgam Fillings

Why 'Useless' Surgery Is Still Popular

By Dr. Mercola

Doctors have been using your mind for decades to help you feel better. Also known as the placebo effect, using pills and therapies known to have no effect on the body can sometimes have a significant effect on your health and wellness.

In medical practice, a placebo is a treatment that appears real, but isn't. Oftentimes researchers use placebos in medical studies to determine if there is a measurable difference between the treatment being tested and the effect your mind has over your body.

Doctors have used pills, therapies and shots in order to effect a change in your health without increasing your risk to potential side effects from other treatments. Research into this effect has found a relationship between what you could reasonably expect from your treatment and your body's response.

In other words, if you expect a pill or shot to lessen your pain, you may experience less pain. However, researchers have also found that placebos have an effect on healing and body chemistry as well, demonstrating the power of your mind on self-healing.

Placebos Harness the Power of Your Mind

While scientists can't determine how they work, they have found there is a hierarchy of effectiveness to placebos. Some placebo treatments just work better than others. For instance:1

  • Placebo surgery works better than placebo injections
  • Placebo injections work better than placebo pills; color and size of the pill makes a difference
  • Sham acupuncture treatment works better than a placebo pill
  • The more expensive, the better and the more doses per day, the better the effect
  • Telling the patient, "This will relieve your pain" works better than saying "This might help"

Belief has a powerful effect on your mind and healing your body. Interestingly, recent investigations point to a growing effectiveness of placebos among Americans.2 This is having a powerful influence on the development of new painkillers.

The response of clinical trial participants to placebo medications to treat neuropathic pain has increased steadily over a 23-year period between 1990 and 2013.

This change has effectively reduced the margin of benefit between placebos and active drugs. This change makes it much more difficult to establish a statistical difference between placebos and the active medication.

As the response to placebos is getting more powerful, it is more challenging to prove a drug actually does what is intended.3,4

Placebos Work in More Than Medical Treatments

Although the placebo effect appears more frequently in medical treatments, other areas experience similar benefits.

Research published in The Sport Psychologist found that athletes given an energy drink and told they could lift more weight than normal were able to increase the amount lifted by 4 percent.

Even when athletes knew they were drinking a placebo, they were still lifting heavier weights than without the supplement.5

A study published in The Gundersen Medical Journal in 2000 found runners given "super oxygenated water" ran 8 percent faster. The results were consistent across 84 percent of the runners. The drink was just plain water.6

In 2007, researchers found a 20 percent increased strength in untrained athletes who thought they received amino acids to increase strength but were receiving a placebo.7

A study in 2008 demonstrated a 22 percent increase in strength in trained athletes who thought they were taking caffeine.

The researchers in this study conditioned the participating athletes to believe they were lifting more weights than they actually were, which made them believe the "drug" was even more powerful.8

Although these percentages may seem small, they can mean the difference between placing in the top three in a professional competition and not placing at all.

Useless Surgery Is More Than Just a Placebo

Before a drug is allowed to be sold on the open market it goes through testing to ensure both safety of the product in human trials and that the benefit to the drug is greater than the benefit of using a placebo.

When the process is not successful, medications can slip through causing significant health problems, as did Duract, Zelnorm, Vioxx, Seldane and many others.

However flawed the system for medication approval may be, there is no similar process for surgical procedures. The expected outcome from rigorous clinical trials that demonstrate a surgical procedure is not beneficial would be that surgeons no longer perform the operation. But that doesn't happen.

For instance, lumbar fusion surgery is used to relieve back pain if your discs are worn. Surgeons use a graft to fuse the bones together, which reduces the flexibility of your spine.

The surgery can last up to four hours, requires physical therapy to return to your normal activities and carries with it a number of significant health risks including:9

Blood clots in the legs that may travel to the lungs

Infection developing in the lungs, bladder or kidney, wound or spine

Heart attack or stroke during surgery

Blood loss

Breathing problems

Reaction to medications used during surgery

Damage to your spinal nerves causing pain, loss of sensation or weakness

Spine is more likely to wear away, both above and below the graft, triggering more problems later

Risks from anesthesia include damaged teeth, nausea and vomiting, respiratory depression or anaphylaxis

Several clinical trials and analysis of surgical procedures published from 2005 through 2014 have demonstrated conservative rehabilitation treatments are as effective as lumbar fusion, or more so, without the associated risk.10,11,12,13

Lumbar fusion is only one of several reimbursed surgical procedures despite research casting doubt on their effectiveness.

What may cause surgeons to recommend surgeries that don't have a demonstrable benefit margin above other less invasive treatment options, such as a structured rehabilitation program?

Physician Perspective on Outcomes

In 2009, research was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, studying the long term effect of vertebroplasty to treat vertebral compression fractures compared to a placebo procedure.14 The results between the two procedures had no statistical differences; both groups experienced the same pain relief.

Dr. David Kallmes of Mayo Clinic and lead author of the research, theorized physicians perform surgical procedures that have not demonstrated greater benefit than a non-invasive treatment since insurance companies continue to reimburse for the surgery, and surgeons may have a greater tendency to remember their patients who seemed better after the procedure. Quoted in The New York Times, Kallmes said:15

"When you read a study, you reflect on whether it is representative of your patient population. It is easy to conclude that the answer is 'no.' The mean age in the study is different or 'I do it differently.'

I think there is a placebo effect not only on patients but on doctors. The successful patient is burned into their memories and the not-so-successful patient is not. Doctors can have selective memory that leads them to conclude that, 'Darn it, it works pretty well.'"

Other surgical procedures physicians continue to perform, although research demonstrates the invasive procedure is as effective, or less effective than non-invasive rehabilitation, include meniscus repair (knee) with osteoarthritis16 and meniscus repair without osteoarthritis.17

Insurance Companies May Hold the Key

The research evaluating the benefits of spinal fusion should have been enough to curtail the number of fusion surgeries performed throughout the U.S. Unfortunately, the number only continued to climb. Between 2000 and 2009, following the publication of several research trials negating the benefit of fusion surgery, the number of procedures increased 2.4-fold, and six-fold over the past 20 years.18,19

The rates did not begin to drop until 2012 when Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina declined to pay for spinal fusion surgery any further, and several other insurers followed suit.

However, although insurance companies appear to be reading the research, others want to continue to perform surgical procedures from which you won't benefit more than a rigorous rehabilitation program.20 Law firms are advising you to fight the insurance company to pay for a procedure with higher risk than rehabilitation, but no larger benefit margin.

 Ultimately It Is Your Choice

While it may seem as if you don't have a choice in your treatment plan, ultimately it is your body and you who will experience any side effects or problems from a procedure. However, the choice you make may depend upon how the options are presented to you.

In response to an article about clinical trial data, Dr. Gordon H. Guyatt, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at McMaster University, wrote an editorial in The British Medical Journal, quoted in Clinicient and The New York Times, in which he said:21,22

"I personally think the operation should not be mentioned. But if a doctor says anything, say this: '[W]e have randomized clinical trials that produce the highest quality of evidence. They strongly suggest that the procedure is next to useless. If there is any benefit, it is very small and there are downsides, expense, and potential complications.'I cannot imagine that anyone would say, 'Go ahead. I will go for it.'"

What Can You Do Reduce Your Risk of Useless Surgery?

You are responsible for your health, for what you eat, for the procedures you agree to undergo and for the medication you take. In a fast-paced, one-pill-does-it-all society it can be tempting to take the advice of the first physician you work with, especially if they promise you exactly what you want to hear.

But, like everything else in life, there are two sides to each coin. Even after a surgical procedure, you will need rehabilitation to prevent the damage from occurring again and to regain strength and endurance to enjoy your life. Whether you do the work of rehabilitation after surgery or instead of surgery, you will likely need it to regain your health.

Unfortunately, there are no quick and easy answers to repairing and strengthening the complex human body. However, you may reduce your risk potential and possible long-term side effects by researching the recommended surgical procedure, getting a second opinion and considering a rigorous rehabilitation program.

Staying and remaining healthy requires you eat a science-based nutritional diet, move throughout the day, get eight hours of sleep each night and engage in stress reduction practices that work for you. Although you may find surgery to be necessary, you will improve your recovery time by incorporating each of these health practices on a daily basis.

from La Mav Combined

5 Skin Care Myths Busted

5 Skin Care Related Claims That Are NOT True

What I appreciate most about the internet is the fact that you can get an answer to any of your questions + you can expand your knowledge in any area you want, for free. Isn’t that fascinating?

As much as I love the internet, though, I often wonder what percentage of the information found there is legit?

I don’t want to say that all skin care related myths, have emerged from misleading claims that were once publish on the internet, but to be honest, I believe that most of them have. To help you distinguish fact from fiction, today, I’d like to bust 5 of the most common misconceptions related to how to take care of your skin, and how to keep it youthful and healthy.

You Must Cleanse Your Skin Morning And Evening

Ask yourself – is your face really that dirty when you wake up? I mean, you slept for (ideally) 8 hours, in your comfortable bed, on clean sheets. Doesn’t sound like a place where your face can get extremely dirty, don’t you think?

While cleansing in the evening is a must (even if you don’t wear makeup), because it “takes the day off” your face, and preps your skin for all lotions & potions you apply afterwards, it’s definitely not necessary in the morning.

For those of you, who wake up with oily skin or just have the urge to refresh it, we suggest using a  balancing toner – one that will normalize  skin’s pH and will help you get rid of the shine (and impurities, if any).

What To Try: La Mav’s Purifying Toner

Order It Here

Expensive Products Always Work Better

Let’s be honest – in more than 50% of the cases we pay for the fancy packaging and the brand’s name. We all know it, but we still try to convince ourselves that cream X, we spent $250 on, made a huge difference in the way our skin looked.

Did it? Did it work better than your regular moisturizer? Be honest.

I agree that extracts from rare plants and newly discovered “smart” molecules cost money, and if company X uses them, this will be reflected on the price tag. Nevertheless, it is also true that many brands are dishonest, and will make the crazies claim, just to make you buy their products. We are constantly tricked into thinking that we pay for extraordinarily potent ingredients, while the truth is we are paying for luxurious glass bottles with amazingly pretty golden droppers. Fancy, but not really beneficial for your skin.

When it comes to active ingredients, the first thing you need to do, before spending a fortune on a product, is to check the ingredient list. Unfortunately, in the majority of the cases, the “magical” ingredients that are being sold to us, are in very low concentration (can be found at the end of the ingredient list), therefore don’t do much for the skin.

The moral of the story: Shop wisely and always read the labels.

You Must Not Use Anti-Aging Products When You Are 20

…or else, when you turn 35, they won’t work anymore, and you’ll end up with saggy, wrinkly skin.

Not true.

The only downside of using anti-aging products when you are 20 is that if you have oily skin, and the products you’ve decided to go for are richer (texture-wise), you might over-nourish your skin and end up with a shiny face.

So far, there is no evidence that anti-aging products can have negative effect on young skin; neither there is evidence that your skin has the ability to “adapt” to the products you use. Exactly the opposite – at any age, your skin will “appreciate” products formulated with  antioxidants, vitamins, peptides,  natural oils and plant extracts. Remember - prevention is always better than having to deal with a problem that already exists.

What To Try: La Mav's Ultra-Hydration Range

Discover The Range

Rich Creams Are The Ultimate Solution For Dry Skin

The health from within, shows on the inside. Same applies for your skin.

Dry skin is often dehydrated on the inside or is out of balance, which is why slathering rich creams on a daily basis won’t really solve the problem (even though it may mask it for a while).

Whether it is damaged lipid barrier, lack of nutrients, excess sun exposure, abusing chemical peels, etc. in order to see improvement in the way your skin looks and feels, you need to take measures to treat the underlying cause.

What To Try: La Mav's Complete Collection For Dry/Sensitive Skin

Order It Here

You Can’t Combine Products From Different Brands

As long as the products you use target your skin concerns, you can combine them regardless of the price tag, the brand or their origin. In fact, since almost every brand has its super-star ingredient, by using products from different manufacturers, you can benefit from more than one “magical” component at a time. Cool, isn’t it?

PS: We recommend sticking to organic/natural products, in order to achieve long-lasting result and to avoid potentially harmful ingredients.

Are there any skin care related claims that you find to be confusing? Tell us in the comments below – we’ll be happy to investigate and bust some more myths for you!

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McConnell: TPP Will Not Be Acted Upon This Year

In a recent piece for The Hill’s Congress Blog, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to close the door on the Senate taking up the Obama administration’s signature Asia-Pacific trade deal during what’s left of the president’s term. “The current agreement, the Trans-Pacific (Partnership) agreement, which has some serious flaws, will not be acted upon this year.” […]

The post McConnell: TPP Will Not Be Acted Upon This Year appeared first on Stop the TPP.

from La Mav Combined

Rep Joe Crowley: I do not intend to support the legislation

Vice chair of the House Democratic Caucus and key member of the Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Joe Crowley, says he has no plans to support the divisive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement – despite his initial praise for the pact while it was in negotiation. In March, Crowley was one of eight New York representatives who did not […]

The post Rep Joe Crowley: I do not intend to support the legislation appeared first on Stop the TPP.

from La Mav Combined

My Morning Routine, Yoga For A Clear Mind + My Spirit Animal:

Ever wondered about my morning routine, my yoga practice or how I keep a clear head with such a crazy schedule?! Today, I’m sharing it all with you (plus more!) in a brand new interview with Wolven Threads, who asked me such amazing questions – I had to share! I was so thrilled to be [...]

The post My Morning Routine, Yoga For A Clear Mind + My Spirit Animal: appeared first on The Organic Life.

from La Mav Combined

The Power of Pain

I spent a long time avoiding pain. Escape WAS my medicine. This is what my 11 years on Rx drugs were about: numbing out, tuning out, zoning out – anything but zooming in and looking right at the source. Yes, they were prescribed to me by a doctor. No, I didn’t have to go out [...]

The post The Power of Pain appeared first on The Organic Life.

from La Mav Combined

Thursday, August 25, 2016

OUI Shave Neroli Shave Oil + Ingrown Hair Relief Serum

I don’t know about you, but shaving has never been fun for me, and because of my super sensitive skin many shaving creams have left me with irritations afterwards. Not anymore!  Oui Shave has you covered for your delicate personal shaving needs! I recently tried out two products from the line, the Neroli Shave Oil [...]

from La Mav Combined

Natural & Organic Australian Makeup Tutorial // Collab with All Natural Aspirations

Today’s video is a collaboration with the lovely Rachel from All Natural Aspirations. I’m using Australian natural brands to achieve my makeup look and she has used natural Brittish makeup brands to achieve her look. Continue Reading

from La Mav Combined

Mercury Awareness — Your Mouth, Your Choice

Go the Extra Healthy Mile With Geranium Oil

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dr Bronner’s Review | Pure-Castile Liquid Soap & Organic Lotion

I'm almost embarrassed to tell you that it's taken me this long to try any products from the Dr Bronner's range. What has taken me so long!? After trialling 2 of their everyday essentials thanks to BellaNaturally, I now see what all the fuss is about. Continue Reading

from La Mav Combined

How Monsanto Promotes Worldwide Infertility

The Hidden Health Hazards Lurking in Your Clothes

By Dr. Mercola

Washing your clothes is not as harmless as you might imagine. Detergents carry toxins and your clothes lose microfibers when washed, polluting the water supply. Your clothes may also harbor flame retardant chemicals, even if you carefully purchase "green" furniture.

Just as purchasing organic foods is integral to your overall health and wellness, so is purchasing organic fabrics. The benefits of organic clothing relate to that which is ABSENT from the fabric — toxic chemicals and pesticides.

Lightweight, synthetic polyester fabrics, while popular because they are fast-drying, also retain more odor-causing bacteria than organic cotton material.1 In a study using 26 volunteers, researchers found the odor-causing bacteria under your arms is different than those populating your polyester t-shirt.

The microbes on the polyester are difficult to remove and cause you to smell before you even start your workout. Most manufactured clothing has also been sprayed with flame retardant chemicals. While they may wash out of your clothes, this adds toxins into the water supply.

Your Clothes May Poison Food Supply

How flame retardant chemicals and phthalates are found in the environment has puzzled scientists as the manufacturers have not reported spillages. Turns out these hormone disruptors and potential carcinogens appear to be making their way into the waterways through your washing machine.

In a recent study from the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), researchers were able to directly link plastics and man-made fibers to the pollution in fish you may have eaten last night.

The researchers sampled fish from markets in Indonesia and California, finding the difference was not in the amount of pollutants, but in the type between both countries.

Lead author of the study, Chelsea Rochman, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow at UC Davis School of Medicine, was quoted in EcoWatch, saying:2

"It's interesting that there isn't a big difference in the amount of debris in the fish from each location, but in the type — plastic or fiber. We think the type of debris in the fish is driven by differences in local waste management."

Each washing of a synthetic fleece jacket releases 1.7 grams of microfiber. The older the jacket, the more microfibers are released.3 Up to 40 percent of these microfibers leave the wastewater treatment plant and end up in the surrounding lakes, rivers and ocean.

Current studies have found microfibers are more prevalent than microbeads, and are particularly dangerous, as the fibers are small enough to easily be eaten by fish and other wildlife, accumulating in the gut and concentrating in the bodies of other animals higher up the food chain.

Fibers are found in both marine and freshwater fish. When Abigail Barrows, chief investigator for Global Microplastics Initiative, sampled over 2,000 marine and fresh water fish, 90 percent had microfiber debris in their bodies.

Patagonia Took a First Step

Ecologist Mark Browne, Ph.D., post-doctoral fellow at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, published a study during which he sampled sediment from 15 beaches around the world.4 He found high concentrations of acrylic and polyester fibers close to waste water treatment plants.

He reached out to large manufacturers to help fund further study, but only one company, Eileen Fisher, a clothing company that promotes sustainable manufacturing of clothes, offered to help.

In 2015, more research into the effects of microfibers in the environment was published and Jill Dumain, Patagonia's director of environmental strategy, was paying attention. They commissioned a study to determine if products from Patagonia were contributing to the problem.

The new study found that during laundering, one fleece jacket may release as many as 250,000 microfibers. Based on an estimate from sales of the jackets, 100,000 jackets washed in one year would result in the equivalent of 11,900 plastic grocery bags released into the environment, from just one company.5

Washing machines also play a role in releasing microfibers into the wastewater. Scientists are calling for appliance companies to investigate the effectiveness of adding filters to catch the microfibers.6

Research found that top loading machines released 5.3 times more microfibers than front loading models.7 Swedish statistician Hans Rosling estimates the problem will only grow as the number of washing machines put into use continues to climb.

In 2010, 2 billion people used washing machines, and 9 billion worldwide are expected to use them by 2050.8

Flame Retardants and Plasticizers Move From the Air to Your Clothes

Flame retardants are used in furniture, electronics, polyurethane foam, cables, clothing and building insulation. This group of chemicals does not break down into safer chemicals in the environment.

They may travel great distances from the point of origin, accumulate in people and animals in the food chain and have long-term toxic effects.9

In recent years, flame retardant chemicals have come under fire as studies show they do not work well and are extremely toxic, posing a severe health hazard to fire fighters.

When the tobacco industry was pressured into making cigarettes safer to protect against house fires, tobacco manufacturers paired with chemical companies to convince officials that dousing furniture in chemicals was a better choice than altering the cigarettes.10

The ruse worked, but firefighter, health, science and consumer groups are now pushing for a ban on flame retardants, as studies show they pose serious health risks even when not lit.

Exposure to these chemicals at a critical point in development may damage your reproductive system, and cause deficits in learning, memory, motor skills and behavior. Some have also been identified as carcinogenic.11

Now, a pilot study has found cotton and polyester fabrics pick up not only flame retardant chemicals but also plasticizers, such as phthalates, from indoor air.12 Phthalates are chemicals used to make plastics more pliable. They leach out from the plastics as the product ages, and are toxic to you and the environment.

Phthalates have carcinogenic effects and affect reproduction and development.13 When clothing carrying the chemicals is washed, the chemicals enter wastewater and are released into the environment.14

What's the Problem With These Chemicals?

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been used as flame retardant chemicals for the past 25 years. Unfortunately, they don't work as promised and actually produce more toxic smoke than untreated objects. Once in your home, they become a part of the dust and air you breathe.

PBDEs are classified as persistent organic pollutants by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), meaning they persist in the environment and your body, particularly fatty tissue. This includes your brain, which is 60 percent lipids.15

Scientists from the U.S. and Beijing discovered PBDE-47 was instrumental in interfering with the growth of new neurons that are necessary for learning and memory in adults.16

Perhaps the most condemning evidence against this class of chemicals is the role they may play in autism. When the brains of adults with autism were examined, researchers found persistent organic pollutants in every sample.

Exposure to phthalates can occur when you microwave foods in plastic containers, eat or drink foods that were wrapped or stored in plastic, when children suck or chew on soft plastic or vinyl products, and if you are exposed to medical devices such as IV tubing, blood transfusions and catheters.

Read labels, call the manufacturer and ask your healthcare provider to use phthalate-free products.17 Studies on lab animals indicate phthalates have the following effects:18

  • Early onset puberty
  • Poor male reproductive development
  • Impaired hormone system function
  • Reproductive and genital defects
  • Low testosterone levels and sperm count in adolescent males

Chemicals in Your Clothes May Damage Your Fertility

A number of studies have demonstrated a 50 percent decline in adult male sperm count over the last 50 years.19 Reasons have included poor diet, stressful lifestyle and environmental factors. Recently, researchers found microfibers released from your clothing may bind with chemicals, such as phthalates and flame retardants, in your laundry before released into the sewer system.

Phthalates are easily released from plastics as they are not chemically bound to the product. This is why many soft plastics become hard and brittle over time. The phthalates are deposited into your air, food and liquids. Phthalates affect not only the amount of sperm but also the quality of the genetic material, 20 affecting both fertility and the health of your children.21

Studies have also demonstrated that women with the highest concentrations of phthalates suffer the lowest levels of libido.22  Emily Barrett, Ph.D., who studies prenatal phthalate exposure, was quoted in the Telegraph, saying:23

"Low libido can take its toll on relationships and wellbeing. For a lot of women with loss of libido there is no obvious reason why and it is important to know [how] these chemicals might contribute. The leading source of some phthalates is food. We think that the more processing food goes through, the more likely it is to take these chemicals on.

One of the recommendations that might be made to potentially lower your exposure is to eat less processed food and to pick fresh things without packaging. Organic foods are maybe better because phthalates are sometimes used in pesticides. But you are never going to be able to totally eliminate phthalates from your life unless policy changes."

How to Reduce Your Exposure to Phthalates

Until policy changes, it may be impossible to eliminate phthalates entirely from your environment. However, you can make a significant impact on your health and that of your children by recognizing the products high in phthalates and reducing or eliminating them from your immediate environment.

Products containing phthalates include the following. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but may serve to help you identify the products in your home most likely to increase your risk.24

Vinyl raincoats and rain boots

Household cleaners, glues and paints

Steering wheels, vinyl seating and plastic consoles

Plastic food wraps and soft plastic food containers

Shower curtains

Soft plastic toys

Nail polish and hair spray

Scented candles

PVC water pipes, vinyl flooring and mini-blinds

Plastic school supplies

Scented shampoos, soaps, moisturizers and aftershave lotions

Sex toys and lubricating oils

How to Reduce Your Exposure to Flame Retardants

Like phthalates, flame retardants are so widely used that it's difficult to avoid them completely. However, there are steps you can take to reduce your exposure, including the following:

Avoid fire-resistant, stain-resistant and/or water-repellant fabrics. Your best bet is to buy organic fabrics, especially when it comes to clothing.

Avoid upholstered furniture with the TB117 label. If the label states: "This article meets the flammability requirements of California Bureau of Home Furnishings Technical Bulletin 117," it most likely contains flame retardants.

However, even upholstered furniture that's unlabeled may contain flame retardants. To find out if your furniture contains flame retardants, you can send a sample to Duke University. For more information and full instructions, please see my previous article, "Firefighters Are Still Fighting Deadly Flame Retardants."

Furniture products filled with cotton, wool or polyester tend to be safer than chemical-treated foam; some products also state that they are "flame-retardant free." Organic wool (100 percent) is naturally flame-resistant.

Avoid baby products with foam. Nursing pillows, high chairs, strollers and other products containing polyurethane foam most likely contain flame retardants.

Avoid foam carpet padding. If possible, minimize the use of foam carpet padding, which often contains flame retardants. If removing carpeting, take precautions to avoid exposures. You'll want to isolate your work area from the rest of your house to avoid spreading it around, and use a HEPA filter vacuum to clean up.

PBDEs are often found in household dust, so clean up with a HEPA-filter vacuum and/or a wet mop often. Be especially careful with polyurethane foam products manufactured prior to 2005, such as upholstered furniture, mattresses and pillows, as these are most likely to contain PBDEs.

If you have any of these in your home, inspect them carefully and replace ripped covers and/or any foam that appears to be breaking down. Also avoid reupholstering furniture by yourself as the reupholstering process increases your risk of exposure.

from La Mav Combined

Toxic Cookware Chemicals Have Polluted Drinking Water for Millions

By Dr. Mercola

According to a recent Harvard study, 16.5 million Americans have detectable levels of at least one kind of polyfluoroalkyl or perfluoroalkyl chemical (PFASs) in their drinking water. About 6 million Americans are drinking water that contains PFAS at or above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) safety level.1,2,3,4

These industrial chemicals have been linked to a number of health problems, from obesity and hormonal problems to impaired immune function5 and cancer, and the study's authors warn that PFASs may contribute to illness even below the EPA's safety level. Co-author Dr. Philippe Grandjean told the Charleston Gazette-Mail:6

"The EPA advisory limit ... is much too high to protect us against toxic effects on the immune system. And the available water data only reveals the tip of the iceberg of contaminated drinking water."

Recent research even suggests PFAS exposure may reduce effectiveness of vaccines in children by interfering with their immune function.7

PFASs Have Become Ubiquitous in the Environment

PFASs are used in many industrial applications calling for non-stick or slick surfaces, such as food packaging, stain- and water-resistant fabrics, non-stick cookware and firefighting foam. As reported by CNN:8

"As a result of their ubiquity, the chemicals migrate into air, household dust, food, soil and ground and surface water, and they eventually make their way into drinking water.

The problem with PFASs is that they remain in your body for a long time. Though other chemicals can be excreted within hours, it takes about 3.5 years for your body to get rid of just half of whatever amount you ingest …"

Do You Have Unsafe PFAS Levels in Your Drinking Water?

While toxic water supplies were found in 33 states, 75 percent of the samples with elevated PFAS came from 13 states: California, New Jersey, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Georgia, Minnesota, Arizona, Massachusetts and Illinois.

Not surprisingly, the highest concentration levels of PFAS were found in watersheds near industrial sites, military fire training areas and wastewater treatment plants. Private wells were also found to be contaminated. According to the authors:

"Among samples with detectable PFAS levels, each additional military site within a watershed's eight-digit hydrologic unit is associated with a 20 [percent] increase in PFHxS, a 10 [percent] increase in both PFHpA and PFOA, and a 35 [percent] increase in PFOS.

The number of civilian airports with personnel trained in the use of aqueous film-forming foams is significantly associated with the detection of PFASs above the minimal reporting level."

Many Americans Face Health Risks From Water Contaminants

As reported by CNN,9 more than 18 million Americans also receive drinking water from water treatment facilities that have violated federal drinking water rules for lead. And, in 9 out of 10 cases, the EPA has taken no enforcement action against the violators.

Disturbingly, many water treatment facilities are actually using incorrect testing methods to avoid detecting high levels of lead, which means the number of Americans drinking lead-contaminated water is likely even higher than that.

An estimated 16 million also have perchlorate — a chemical used in explosives and rocket fuel — in their drinking water.10

Just how severe water contamination may be remains an open question, as the Safe Drinking Water Act only regulates 91 contaminants. Meanwhile, more than 80,000 chemicals are used in the U.S.11 There's really no telling how many of these chemicals, and in what amounts, end up in our drinking water.

Teflon Chemical Is Harmful at Minute Doses

One PFASs, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, also known as C8), has been revealed to be far more dangerous than previously thought. For 50 years, DuPont used PFOA to make Teflon. Throughout that time, the company defended the safety of PFOA.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of harm, DuPont still to this day resists accountability for health problems resulting from PFOA exposure. However, the truth has finally become too obvious to ignore.

Last year, The Intercept blew the case open when it published a three-part exposé12 titled "The Teflon Toxin: DuPont and the Chemistry of Deception," detailing DuPont's history of covering up the facts.

Earlier this year, The New York Times also published an in-depth exposé13 on the legal battle fought against DuPont for the past 15 years over PFOA contamination and its toxic effects.

According to a 2015 report14 by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the EPA's "safe" level of PFOA in drinking water is likely hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of times too high for safety:

"[T]wo leading environmental health scientists have published research with alarming implications … Their research finds that even very tiny concentrations of PFOA — below the reporting limit required by EPA's tests of public water supplies — are harmful …

Since 2013, an EPA testing program has found PFOA in 94 public water systems in 27 states. These systems provide drinking water to more than 6.5 million people

... [A]mong the samples with PFOA, statewide average levels ranged between five times and 175 times the level described by the new research as safe."

Safety Level for PFAS Lowered, but May Still Not Be Low Enough

As a sign of progress, the EPA lowered the safety level for PFOA and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) from 0.4 parts per billion (ppb) to .07 ppb in May, 201615 (including a maximum combined level of .07 ppb if both chemicals are present).

The new standard takes into account lifetime exposure that would occur from drinking contaminated water.

Unfortunately, EPA data shows that water systems in 18 states are contaminated with PFOA and/or PFOS above the new federal threshold. Besides, even the new threshold may not be low enough to protect public health. According to the EWG, the safety level really should be 0.0003 ppb.

DuPont Faces Increasingly Serious Fallout From Its Teflon Products

PFOA is now the subject of about 3,500 personal injury claims against DuPont, four of which have already gone to court. One woman who developed kidney cancer after drinking PFOA-contaminated water was awarded $1.6 million in damages.16,17

These legal processes have uncovered internal documents showing DuPont was fully aware of the chemical's danger to the public and employees, yet continued using it while hiding contamination problems.

In 2002, the EPA announced PFOA may pose a health risk to the general public both via contaminated water and Teflon cookware. DuPont's own research shows that when its non-stick cookware is heated it breaks down to 15 toxic gases and particles, mostly fluorine-based.18,19

Three years later, in 2005, the EPA fined DuPont $16.5 million for violating the Toxic Substances Control Act by withholding decades' worth of information about health hazards associated with PFOA.

That same year, a panel of scientists was convened to determine PFOA's effect on human health. After seven years of research, the results of which are detailed in more than three dozen peer-reviewed papers, the C8 Science Panel linked PFOA to:20

  • Ulcerative colitis
  • High cholesterol
  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension
  • Thyroid disease
  • Testicular and kidney cancer

Its health effects were deemed to be widespread and occurred even at very low exposure levels. Now, residents of Hoosick Falls, New York — where a string of rare cancer deaths, thyroid disease and other health problems have occurred — are suing PFOA manufacturers for contaminating their local water supply.21

Hundreds of Scientists Issue Warning Over PFASs

It's quite clear that the chemical industry cannot be trusted to regulate itself, and DuPont stands as a shining example of this. It can take decades before a dangerous chemical is recognized as such, and then the company can simply switch over to another untested, unregulated chemical, and the whack-a-mole game continues — all because chemicals do not have to be proven safe BEFORE they're used.

In May 2015, more than 200 scientists from 40 countries signed the so-called Madrid Statement,22,23 which warns about the harms of all PFAS chemicals, both old and new. Documented health effects associated with the older, long-chain PFASs, including the following:24

Liver toxicity

Disruption of lipid metabolism, and the immune and endocrine systems

Adverse neurobehavioral effects

Neonatal toxicity and death

Tumors in multiple organ systems

Testicular and kidney cancers

Liver malfunction


High cholesterol

Ulcerative colitis

Reduced birth weight and size


Decreased immune response to vaccines

Reduced hormone levels and delayed puberty

The Statement also points out the problem with replacing PFASs known to be harmful with other similar, but less scientifically evaluated, compounds, saying:

"Although some of the long-chain PFASs are being regulated or phased out, the most common replacements are short-chain PFASs with similar structures, or compounds with fluorinated segments joined by ether linkages.

While some shorter-chain fluorinated alternatives seem to be less bioaccumulative, they are still as environmentally persistent as long-chain substances or have persistent degradation products. Thus, a switch to short-chain and other fluorinated alternatives may not reduce the amounts of PFASs in the environment. In addition, because some of the shorter-chain PFASs are less effective, larger quantities may be needed to provide the same performance."

How to Avoid PFASs

According to the 1976 Toxic Sub­stances Control Act, the EPA can only test chemicals AFTER it has obtained evidence of harm. This arrangement is a prescription for disaster because it basically allows chemical companies to regulate themselves, and this is largely the reason why the EPA has restricted only five chemicals in the last four decades.

The Madrid Statement recommends avoiding any and all products containing, or manufactured using, PFASs, noting they include products that are stain-resistant, waterproof or non-stick. More helpful tips can be found in the EWG's "Guide to Avoiding PFCS."25 Other suggestions that will help you avoid these dangerous chemicals include avoiding:

Items that have been pre-treated with stain-repellants, and opt out of such treatments when buying new furniture and carpets

Water- and/or stain-repellant clothing. One tipoff is when an item made with artificial fibers is described as "breathable." These are typically treated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), a synthetic fluoropolymer

Items treated with flame retardant chemicals,26 which includes a wide variety of baby items, padded furniture, mattresses and pillows. Instead, opt for naturally less flammable materials such as leather, wool and cotton

Fast food and carry out foods, as the wrappers are typically treated with PFCs

Microwave popcorn. PFOA may not only present in the inner coating of the bag, it also may migrate to the oil from the packaging during heating. Instead, use "old-fashioned" stovetop popcorn

Non-stick cookware and other treated kitchen utensils. Healthier options include ceramic and enameled cast iron cookware, both of which are durable, easy to clean and completely inert, which means they won't release any harmful chemicals into your home.

A newer type of non-stick cookware called Duralon uses a nonfluoridated nylon polymer for its non-stick coating. While this appears to be safe, your safest bet is still ceramic and enameled cast iron.

While some recommend using aluminum, stainless steel and copper cookware, I don't for the following reasons: aluminum is a strongly suspected causal factor in Alzheimer's disease, and stainless steel has alloys containing nickel, chromium, molybdenum and carbon.

For those with nickel allergies, this may be a particularly important consideration. Copper cookware is also not recommended because most copper pans come lined with other metals, creating the same concerns noted above. (Copper cookware must be lined due to the possibility of copper poisoning.)

Oral-B Glide floss and any other personal care products containing PTFE or "fluoro" or "perfluoro" ingredients. The EWG has an excellent database called Skin Deep27 you can peruse to find healthier options

At-Home Water Filtration Is a Must for Clean Pure Water

Unfortunately, your choices are limited when it comes to avoiding PFASs in drinking water. Either you must filter your water or obtain water from a clean source. Both solutions can be problematic and/or costly.

While many opt for bottled water, it's important to realize that PFASs are not regulated in bottled water, so there's absolutely no guarantee that it'll be free of these or other chemicals. Bottled water also increases your risk of exposure to hazardous plastic chemicals such as bisphenol-A (BPA), which has its own set of health risks.

Most common water filters available in supermarkets will not remove PFASs. You really need a high-quality carbon filtration system. To be certain you're getting the purest water you can, filter the water both at the point of entry and at the point of use. This means filtering all the water that comes into the house, and then filtering again at the kitchen sink and shower.

The New Jersey Drinking Water Quality Institute recommends using granulated activated carbon "or an equally efficient technology" to remove PFC chemicals such as PFOA and PFOS from your drinking water.28 Activated carbon has been shown to remove up to 90 percent of these chemicals.

One of the best filtration systems I've found so far is the Pure & Clear Whole House Water Filtration System, which uses a three-stage filtration process — a micron sediment pre-filter, a KDF water filter, and a high-grade carbon water filter.29

If you have been regularly exposed to PFASs by drinking municipal water, it would be wise to not only implement the above filtering recommendations to limit future toxic exposures but also consider a detox program. The likely most effective form would be to use infrared sauna with niacin as discussed in my interview with Dr. George Yu.

I personally do a version of this program three times a week in one of our infrared saunas — not only for PFASs but for all the other, nearly unavoidable exposures from living in contemporary society.

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La Mav Meets: Michelle Geyer from My Dainty Derriere

Chick Chat With Michelle from My Dainty Derriere

Looking for honest beauty reviews & useful makeup tips? My Dainty Derriere is your online guide to the best natural and organic beauty products, reviews and make-up tutorials!

Created by Michelle, an avid green beauty lover and certified makeup artists,  My Dainty Derriere is the perfect place for any beauty lover who wants to make the switch to toxic-free products. And Michelle... she is lovely! (which is why, we decided to ask her to tell us a bit more about herself)

I am Michelle and I love.. The beach, makeup, animals and food!

I trust in.. my natural instincts, always go with your gut.

I find it hard to.. slow down and stop.

I feel frustrated when.. people complain but won’t take positive action to help themselves. I also get frustrated when I don’t finish everything on my to-do list!

I am thankful for.. EVERYTHING. But most importantly, my family, my friends and my health.

When I wake up in the morning.. I walk my toy poodle Bella, drink a green juice and catch up on social media.

When I go to bed, I think about.. what I have to get done the next day and how I can achieve my goals. Ideally I’d love to shut off and go straight to sleep, this is something that is a work in progress.

If I could give advice to my 18 year old self, I’d.. tell myself to believe in myself, not be so hard on myself and enjoy the ride!

"For me, the definition of beauty is raw, natural and healthy." - Michelle Geyer

I have chosen to support the natural beauty trend because.. our skin is our largest organ and absorbs everything we allow it to come into contact with. There are so many amazing natural beauty brands that offer a variety of products that actually work. Why wouldn’t you choose natural if you had the choice? Also, I love that the majority of natural beauty brands are cruelty free and some are eco friendly too. With how advanced our technology is, there is absolutely no excuse for brands to continue testing on animals.

My favourite makeup item is.. highlighter and bronzer. Anything that gives me a healthy, dewy glow is a winner for me!

The skin care item I can’t live without.. oils and moisturisers. It’s so important to keep our skin hydrated from the inside and out.

When I have to do my makeup in less than 5 minutes, I always apply.. BB creme (La Mav of course!), bronzer, highlighter and mascara.

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I am obsessed with.. puppies (I’m a crazy dog lady)

I want to.. live in a world where people appreciate the little things, stop complaining and respect each other enough to treat everyone how they deserve to be treated.

And I don’t want to.. ever give up on myself.

My mantra for happiness is.. Be the best version of you.

Beauty is.. raw, natural and healthy. Beauty comes in many forms, it’s not always about aesthetics. Someone who is kind, generous and genuine is also beautiful in my eyes.

Don’t forget to.. be appreciative every day, be kind to your body and stop comparing yourself to others. Be your own version of beautiful.

For more from Michelle, check out her YouTube channel and follow her on Instagram / Facebook

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